The Maxwelton Outdoor Classroom
A Journey Through the Maxwelton Watershed – A Natural and Social History by Ann Linnea focuses on the Maxwelton Valley on the southern end of Whidbey Island. Its history and environmental issues stand as a template for understanding similar watersheds and their issues throughout the Cascadia bio-region.
Our Story
Linking water, land, wildlife, & people through education, research, & restoration.
Our adventure began in 1991, when students and teachers from the South Whidbey Intermediate School imagined a stream site where they could release the salmon fry they had raised in a classroom aquarium and learn more about the local environment.
Educators, parents, and local experts collaborated to form Chums of the Maxwelton Salmon Adventure in December 1994, then brought the community together to realize the vision of the Maxwelton Outdoor Classroom.
Recognizing that salmon are only one indicator of a healthy watershed, Maxwelton Salmon Adventure’s mission soon broadened to concern for the whole watershed and all of its inhabitants. Our work included research and study, landowner assistance, creekside restoration with native plants, and watershed education for adults. We published A Journey Through the Maxwelton Watershed in 2002 to highlight the area’s history and stewardship efforts.
In 2006 we widened our focus again, realizing that what we learned about this small watershed and its relation to Puget Sound was repeated in watersheds around Whidbey. We began work in the Old Clinton Creek watershed and in Glendale, and now work in watersheds around the island. We changed our name to reflect the broader mission, hence: Whidbey Watershed Stewards.
We work to:
Restore Salmon Runs to Maxwelton Creek. We help rear and release Coho salmon annually in the creek and work to enhance habitat and remove barriers to salmonid survival.
Provide Educational Opportunities for K-12 students and adults within the community. We offer hands-on K-8 environmental lessons at the Outdoor Classroom and with our Marine Science Program, and provide regular community education opportunities related to watersheds, salmon, and habitat.
Encourage Watershed Stewardship within the community and among creek landowners. We work with interested landowners to restore and protect habitat on their creekside properties.
This work involves cooperation among watershed landowners, schools, service groups, businesses, local government and consulting agencies. Emphasis is on voluntary participation, with understanding and respect for individual views and rights.
Whidbey Watershed Stewards is a non-profit 501c(3) corporation which promotes nearshore and watershed health by linking water, land, wildlife and people on Whidbey Island through education, research, and restoration.