Our Education Initiatives
Watershed education is the basis of all we do at Whidbey Watershed Stewards. It is the work that launched our organization and it continues to be central to our mission. Whether working with elementary, middle and high school students, or with adults, we focus on imparting good science and stewardship information on watersheds.
Maxwelton Outdoor Classroom
Our core education program, the Outdoor Classroom offers visiting elementary classes the opportunity to explore the watershed and learn valuable environmental lessons each Spring and Fall.
Outdoor Activities at Home
Continue pursuing environmental education while you’re at home! Learn about our Rewards Program for students who participate during the school year.
Middle School Marine Science
Through hands-on inquiry based projects, students discover the value of clean water and the role they can play in protecting this valuable resource. Whidbey Watershed Stewards and a team of community volunteers work alongside students in the field and in their classrooms.
Salmon in the Classroom
The project that started it all: Our Salmon in the Classroom program launches each year in January when 5th grade Salmon Ambassadors take a field trip to the Wallace River Hatchery to pick up salmon eggs to bring back and raise in classroom aquariums.
Whidbey Environmental Learning Center
Our newest adventure in community watershed education! The Environmental Learning Center will provide an ideal space for expanded Marine Science programming, public events, and interactive environmental exhibits for visitors.
Other Education Efforts
We occasionally offer talks and participate in public events geared toward adult education, as we believe there is always something new to learn throughout life! Subscribe to our newsletter to hear updates about the following public events and more:
Sound Waters University in early February
Environmental Speaker Series with Goosefoot
Sound Water Stewards Opportunity Fair in May
Whidbey Island Earth & Ocean Month in April
Penn Cove Water Festival in May
Whidbey Island Fair in July
Discovery Days at Fort Casey in August
and more!