The Maxwelton Outdoor Classroom
The Maxwelton Outdoor Classroom Program
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Since the opening of the Outdoor Classroom in 1997, Whidbey Watershed Stewards has presented a steady program of K-5th grade environmental lessons in spring and fall sessions, making this the core of our education programs.
Each lesson is aligned with grade level learning objectives and is developed and guided by our staff. We have grown and adapted our lessons over the years, and continue to improve and meet the needs of teachers and students. Our curriculum is updated and revised frequently to keep pace with changes in science, education theory, and the focus of the school system.
Volunteer instructors help us run our program - we simply could not offer our lessons to students without dedicated volunteers from the community! Learn more about volunteering at the OC.
Our Field Trip Program
Teachers can bring their K-5th grade students to the Outdoor Classroom for a half-day field experience. The Spring season runs from late April to early June, and the Fall season runs from late September through early November. Our curriculum theme and lessons change each season, so students will get a fresh set of lessons and experiences each time they return.
Classes are filled first come first served. For schools or groups outside of South Whidbey School District, there is a $8.00 fee per student to help cover our program costs. Please contact Laina for availability or questions, or Sign Up: Bring your K-5th Grade Class!
Visit the Outdoor Classroom on Your Own
The self-guided trail at the Outdoor Classroom property is open for exploration year-round (when classes are not in session). We only ask that you respect the nature preserve and not disturb the wildlife and plants. Please have your dog on a leash while you walk, and pick up poop. The trail and boardwalk platforms are wheelchair accessible.
Click here to download a printable trail map of the Outdoor Classroom trails, which includes an educational self-guided tour. Or pick up a brochure at the information kiosk. Comments can be left in the kiosk mailbox.